Recent Articles

Scrum Master and their Role and responsibilities towards the Scrum Team
Scrum Master
Who is a Scrum Master? What are his/her responsibilities? What are the Characteristics and Skills required to be a Scrum Master?
12 min read
Scrum Development Team and their Roles and Responsibilities
Scrum Development Team
Who is the Scrum Development Team and their Responsibilities, Characteristics & ideal team size? Common Questions on Development Team
10 min read
Scrum Product Owner - Responsibilities,Skills & Characteristics
Scrum Product Owner
Who is a Product Owner? What are the responsibilities of a Scrum Product Owner? What are the characteristics & skills of a Product Owner?
9 min read
What are Scrum Values?What are Misconceptions related to Scrum Values
Scrum Values
This article gives you detailed understanding on Scrum Values like what are different scrum values? What are misconceptions related to them?
7 min read
What is Scrum? Your Guide to become a Scrum Master
What is Scrum?
This article covers - What is Scrum? Its history and uses. What is Scrum Theory along with its 3 pillars-Transparency,Inspection & Adaption
10 min read
Why Agile Methodology and Different Types of Agile Methodologies?
Why Agile Methodology?
This covers in-depth understanding of following topics-Why Agile?Advantages of Agile? Different Type of Agile Methodology Scrum, Lean, Kanban
5 min read
The 4 Values and 12 Principles of the Agile Manifesto
Agile Manifesto - 4 Values and 12 Principles
Learn about the What is Agile Manifesto? What does it mean in Software Development? What are Agile values and Principle with easy examples.
14 min read
What is Agile, How does it work and Why Agile over traditional aprroach?
What is Agile?
This covers what is Agile? How it is different from traditional approach? How does Agile helps in software development process?
13 min read
Complete Agile Tutorial & Scrum Tutorial with Easy Examples
Agile & Scrum Tutorial
A complete agile tutorial & scrum tutorial that helps you understand the core concept of Agile Project Management and Scrum framework.
7 min read
Using Katalon Studio to Approach Web Element Locators
Using Katalon Studio to Approach Web Element Locators
In web test automation, locator is the only way to identify an element on a Web page when running test scripts. This tutorial will help your team choose an appropriate approach for web element locators.
9 min read
What is the difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control?
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
This article covers What is Quality Management and difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control. In short QM vs QA Vs QC.
8 min read
What is Project Risk and Product Risk and What is the difference?
Project Risk and Product Risk
This article covers What is Project Risk? What is Product Risk? Who should identify risks And difference between Product and Project risk
9 min read