An operator is a symbol that performs an operation on one, two, or three operands, and produces a result. The type of the operator and its operands determines the kind of operation performed on the operands and the type of result produced.
Operators in Java
Operators are special characters within the Java language to manipulate primitive data types. Java provides a rich set of operators to manipulate variables which can be classified as :
Unary : Takes one argument. These operators appear before (prefix) its argument or after (postfix) its argument.
Binary : Takes two arguments. These operators appear between their arguments.
Ternary : Takes three arguments. These operators appear between their arguments.
What are the different types of Operators in Java?
Assignment Operators : =
Arithmetic Operators: - + * / % ++ --
Relational Operators : > < >= <= == !=
Logical Operators : && || & | ! ^
Conditional Operator : ?
Bitwise Operator : & | ^ >> >>>
Compound Assignment Operators : += -= *= /= %=
Assignment Operator in Java
Assignment Operator is denoted by the symbol “=” and it is the most commonly used operator. it simply assigns the value on the right to the variable on the left. Syntax of the assignment operator is:-
<variable> = <expression>.
public class Assignment_Operators {
//Normal Assignment
static int speed = 80; // speed variable gets the value 80
static int distance = 20; // distance variable gets the value 20
static int time = 10; // time variable gets the value 10
static String name = "ToolsQA"; // name variable gets the value ToolsQA
static boolean isGood = true; // isGood variable gets the value true
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Value stored in the speed variable is : " + speed);
System.out.println("Value stored in the distance variable is : " + distance);
System.out.println("Value stored in the time variable is : " + time);
System.out.println("Value stored in the name variable is : " + name);
System.out.println("Value stored in the isGood variable is : " + isGood);
speed = 100; // Previous value of speed is overwritten with 100
time = distance; // Previous value of time is overwritten with distance value
name = "ForumsQA"; // Previous value of name is overwritten with ForumsQA
isGood = false; // Previous value of isGood is overwritten with false
System.out.println("Value stored in the speed variable is : " + speed);
System.out.println("Value stored in the time variable is : " + time);
System.out.println("Value stored in the name variable is : " + name);
System.out.println("Value stored in the isGood variable is : " + isGood);
//Multiple Assignments
speed = distance = 0; // 100 (20 = 0)
System.out.println("Value stored in the speed variable is : " + speed);
//Illegal Assignments - Compile time errors
speed = "ToolsQA"; //String can not be assign to integer
name = 10; // Integer can not be assign to String
isGood = "ToolsQa" // String can not be assign to Boolean
Value stored in the speed variable is : 80
Value stored in the distance variable is : 20
Value stored in the time variable is : 10
Value stored in the name variable is : ToolsQA
Value stored in the isGood variable is : true
Value stored in the speed variable is : 100
Value stored in the time variable is : 20
Value stored in the name variable is : ForumsQA
Value stored in the isGood variable is : false
Value stored in the speed variable is : 0
Arithmetic Operators in Java
Arithmetic operators perform the same basic operations you would expect if you used them in mathematics. They take two operands and return the result of the mathematical calculation. There are seven important arithmetic operators available in Java:
Addition '+' : This adds two numbers or concatenate two strings
Subtraction '-' : This subtracts right-side operand from the left side operand
Multiplication '*' : This multiplies two numbers
Division '/' : This divides left side operand by the right side operand
Modulo '%' : This divides left side operand by the right side operand and returns the remainder
Increment '++' : This increases the value by 1
Decrement '- -' : This decreases the value by 1
package javaTutorials;
public class Arithmetic_Operators {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a, b = 10, c = 5;
a = b + c;
System.out.println("Value of 'a' after '+' Arithmetic operation is " + a);
a = b - c;
System.out.println("Value of 'a' after '-' Arithmetic operation is " + a);
a = b * c;
System.out.println("Value of 'a' after '*' Arithmetic operation is " + a);
a = b / c;
System.out.println("Value of 'a' after '/' Arithmetic operation is " + a);
a = b % c;
System.out.println("Value of 'a' after '%' Arithmetic operation is " + a);
System.out.println("Value of 'b' after '++' Arithmetic operation is " + b);
System.out.println("Value of 'c' after '--' Arithmetic operation is " + c);
Value of 'a' after '+' Arithmetic operation is 15
Value of 'a' after '-' Arithmetic operation is 5
Value of 'a' after '*' Arithmetic operation is 50
Value of 'a' after '/' Arithmetic operation is 2
Value of 'a' after '%' Arithmetic operation is 0
Value of 'b' after '++' Arithmetic operation is 11
Value of 'c' after '--' Arithmetic operation is 4
Relational Operators in Java
Relational Operators are used to determine the comparison between two or more objects. These operators always return the boolean value either true or false when used in an expression. In java we have six different relational operators:
Greater than '>' : This checks if the value of left operand is greater than value of right operand
Less than '<' : This checks if the value of left operand is less than the value of right operand
Greater than or Equal to '>=' : This checks if the value of left operand is greater than or equal to the value of right operand
Less than or Equal to '<=' : This checks if the value of left operand is less than or equal to the value of right operand
Equal '==' : This checks if the value of both operands are equal
Not Equal '!=' : This checks if the value of two operands are not equal
package javaTutorials;
public class Relational_Operators {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int Ten = 10;
int Twenty = 20;
int Thirty = 30;
System.out.println("<<<<<< GREATER THAN OPERATOR >>>>>>");
System.out.println(" Ten > Twenty ==> " + (Ten > Twenty)); //false
System.out.println(" Twenty > Ten ==> " + (Twenty > Ten)); //true
System.out.println(" Thirty > Twenty ==> " + (Thirty > Twenty)); //true
System.out.println("<<<<<< GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO OPERATOR >>>>>>");
System.out.println(" Ten >= Twenty ==> " + (Ten >= Twenty)); //false
System.out.println(" Twenty >= Ten ==> " + (Twenty >= Ten)); //true
System.out.println(" Thirty >= Twenty ==> " + (Thirty >= Twenty)); //true
System.out.println("<<<<<< LESS THAN OPERATOR >>>>>>");
System.out.println(" Ten < Twenty ==> " + (Ten < Twenty)); //true
System.out.println(" Twenty < Ten ==> " + (Twenty < Ten)); //false
System.out.println(" Thirty < Twenty ==> " + (Thirty < Twenty)); //false
//less than or equal to
System.out.println("<<<<<< LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO OPERATOR >>>>>>");
System.out.println(" Ten <= Twenty ==> " + (Ten <= Twenty)); //true
System.out.println(" Twenty <= Ten ==> " + (Twenty <= Ten)); //false
System.out.println(" Thirty <= Twenty ==> " + (Thirty <= Twenty)); //false
//equal to
System.out.println("<<<<<< EQUAL TO OPERATOR >>>>>>");
System.out.println(" Ten == Twenty ==> " + (Ten == Twenty)); //false
System.out.println(" Thirty == Twenty + Ten ==> " + (Thirty == Twenty+Ten)); //true
//not equal to
System.out.println("<<<<<< NOT EQUAL TO OPERATOR >>>>>>");
System.out.println(" Ten != Twenty ==> " + (Ten != Twenty)); //true
System.out.println(" Thirty != Twenty + Ten ==> " + (Thirty != Twenty + Ten)); //false
Ten > Twenty ==> false
Twenty > Ten ==> true
Thirty > Twenty ==> true
Ten >= Twenty ==> false
Twenty >= Ten ==> true
Thirty >= Twenty ==> true
<<<<<< LESS THAN OPERATOR >>>>>>
Ten < Twenty ==> true
Twenty < Ten ==> false
Thirty < Twenty ==> false
Ten <= Twenty ==> true
Twenty <= Ten ==> false
Thirty <= Twenty ==> false
<<<<<< EQUAL TO OPERATOR >>>>>>
Ten == Twenty ==> false
Thirty == Twenty + Ten ==> true <<<<<< NOT EQUAL TO OPERATOR >>>>>>
Ten != Twenty ==> true
Thirty != Twenty + Ten ==> false
Logical Operators in Java
Logical operators return a true or false value based on the state of the Variables. Each argument to a logical operator must be a boolean data type, and the result is always a boolean data type. Below are the three most commonly used logical operators:
And Operator '&&' : This returns true if the output of both the operands are true
OR Operator '||' : This returns true if the output of either operands are true
NOT Operator '!' : This inverts the state of the condition
package javaTutorials;
public class Logical_Operators {
public static void main(String[] args) {
boolean Output_1 = true;
boolean Output_2 = false;
System.out.println("Check if both the boolean variables are true : " + (Output_1 && Output_2));
System.out.println("Check if even one of the boolean varibale is true : " + (Output_1 || Output_2));
System.out.println("Change the state of the Output_1 to false : " + (!Output_1));
Check if both the boolean variables are true : false
Check if even one of the boolean variable is true : true
Change the state of the Output_1 to false : false
Conditional Operator in Java
The conditional operator is the only operator that takes three arguments in Java. The conditional operator is equivalent to if-else statement. It is also known as the ternary operator. This operator consists of three operands and is used to evaluate Boolean expressions. The goal of the operator is to decide which value should be assigned to the variable. The operator is written as:
variable = (expression) ? value if true : value if false
package javaTutorials;
public class Conditional_Operators {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int Ten = 10;
int Twenty = 20;
int Thirty = 30;
boolean bValue;
int iValue;
bValue = (Thirty == Twenty + Ten) ? true: false;
System.out.println( "The boolean value of the variable 'bValue' is : " + bValue ); //true
iValue = ((Thirty == Twenty + Ten)) ? 50: 100;
System.out.println( "The int Value of the variable iValue is : " + iValue ); //50
//This is a use of Not Logical Operator
iValue = (!(Thirty == Twenty + Ten)) ? 50: 100;
System.out.println( "The int Value of the variable iValue is : " + iValue ); //100
The boolean value of the variable 'bValue' is : true
The int Value of the variable iValue is : 50
The int Value of the variable iValue is : 100